Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Return from Vegas baybee

So I survived Vegas. I didn't do nearly as well as I wanted to. Let's face it- I didn't get to prep enough, I didn't have trustworthy equipment (I ended up using the Macbook pro to do my demos), and I simply was not emotionally in the right place to do a kick ass presentation in front of 300 people like I was supposed to.

I won't say it completely sucked, but it wasn't good. I am crushed. I feel I blew my one big chance to do well. To blow the socks off the power players and cement my place amongst the big guys.

Instead, I cemented my place amongst the wannabees. It's sad.

But I also learned something important. Maybe I don't want to do that kind of work that badly.

Maybe it's not for me. Maybe the airport, hotel, conference, expensive food, exhaustion thing isn't for me. I dunno. We'll see if anyone calls me back.

Meanwhile, it's back to writing.