Monday, February 23, 2009

Time has passed, things have changed...

So it's been a while since I posted.


Well, originally, it was because all I was doing was working.

Then it became, because I was doing a lot of personal stuff-- but didn't really want to talk about it.

Now, I think it might be time to do so.

So what gives?

Well, I got sick of being sick.

That's the long and short of it.

My allergies and sensitivities were getting worse and more unpredictable, and my reactions to exposure were getting worse, longer lasting, and the symptoms were changing in a scary way.

So, I changed PCPs. Of course, in doing that I had to deal with scheduling issues so I couldn't get in to see this person for months.

Finally, I pitched a fit and got an appointment. At which time she accused me of having post traumatic stress disorder and suggested therapy.


But she agreed to have me go to an endocrinologist.

So I went to the endocrinologist. She spoke to me for about ten minutes (most of the time asking me about my family and what my job was-- then sort of accused me of being "a genius" like it was going to be a problem) and diagnosed me as having hirsutism and goiter.


But at least she scheduled me to get 19 blood test (mostly to prove that I have hirsutism and goiter, but still, it's something), and two piss tests.

Well, it appears I need more tests. It appears I am very sick. Treatment is kind of iffy.

The accelerated aging of my skin? Yup, that's proven by the blood tests. Is it reversible? Mmm, we'll see...

All of my symptoms and more are explained by the blood tests I've gotten, but they don't definitively show exactly which organ, or set of organs, are failing. I mean, yeah, my hormones are all messed up, cortisol ain't right, and I am low on potassium and vitamin D (again), but that could be my adrenals, thyroid, or pituitary.

Of course, the endocrinologist is only focusing on and plans to treat the thyroid-- but as I see that is stupid, I ain't gonna let that happen. We know something's wrong, now we need to confirm what organs are actually damaged, in what way, then decide a course of treatment, not just willy nilly start taking stuff I can't quit once I start...

Oh, and my heart could be damaged, I've got very dangerously high cholesterol (but low to normal blood pressure), and I have to do a lot of travel in the next two months. I'm afraid when I tell the endo' that she'll demand I not go.

And, by the way, I have exactly the opposite of what the endo' diagnosed me with. Clinically, badly, opposite.

So there you go. 'Stuff that has been distracting me lately. Meanwhile, I am still trying to work, improve my lot in life, not do anything that permanently damages my standing in the world. It's tough, but I am hanging in there.

I did get the iphone over the winter. I really like it but the battery is really bad. I might have to have it replaced with a new phone it's so bad (full battery runs out from one phone call). I love all the apps, I use them constantly. Of course, only the free ones-- hey, they do everything I need and why spend more money on a phone that was too expensive to begin with? Still, the calls come in, I can see my voicemails, SMS works great-- as a phone it does what I need. What's not to like?