Saturday, May 21, 2005

Lilly update, continued gratitude

It's been almost a month since I planted the lillies (the entries are sometimes held in draft for a while before posting, it delays the inevitable). I wanted to report, for the sake of Jim, that they are not only not dead, but some are actually blooming already.

An interesting thing though, they are blooming really low to the ground. Normally day lillies grow a stalk that eventually flowers well above the height of the leaves of the plant's summer foliage. My plants are blooming only a few inches above the ground, effectively hiding (heck, cramping and deforming) the flowers deep in the grassy foliage of the plant itself.

I assume that transplanting them so late in the season might be the cause, but I wonder if the unusually cold, cloudy weather could also play a part as well.

Either way, the lillies are not dead. Hurray.

Thank you Jim, for the flowers.

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