Monday, September 19, 2005

The time of heat and darkness

Okay, so basically the summer has passed without nary a peep from yours truly. I could make excuses, I could whine.

But why? The time is lost. What's done is done. I blew off my personal blog like I have blown off my personal life.

That's the way it is.

I had hopes, I had plans. You know, like most people. But instead, I spent the summer in a little 6'x5' room, installing operating system after operating system, diligently beta testing software after software. Working for the edification of no one.

I don't know who I was trying to impress, what I was trying to accomplish. All that really happened is I got no exercise, no fresh air, had no adventures while doing humongous amounts of work for free. Go Microsoft.

In the end though, it does give me a big boost when it comes to knowledge and comfort with the new operating systems. I have danced with R2, fought with Vista, manhandled One Care.

Yeah, I have some scars, some stories to tell. But are they for you? I dunno. I don't think I am currently prepared to go into the gory details. I doubt you can handle it, gentle reader.

I spent my summer in a dark little cave, filled with heat belching servers scorching my back, deafening my ears with their incessant fan modulation, and blinding my eyes with hours upon hours of flatscreen brightness.

Oh the heat. Oh the tedious technical heat....

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