Friday, May 06, 2005

Under your clothes

May 06

I went to Barnes and Noble this evening after dinner to enjoy my favorite pasttime, reading random books I would never normally buy. Today, not surprisingly, my selections were glossy, photo filled books about decorating patios and decks, how to buy patio furniture, and the obligatory bonsai book (the pictures are purty). While hanging out, drinking a latte, I noticed a gaggle of young ladies glancing my way and laughing. Not really caring, I couldn't help but notice they were, in fact, laughing at me.

Apparently I have no fashion sense. And, unfortunately, they are right. Especially when I am just hanging out. You see, most of the time I do not dress to be seen. Rather I tend to dress to not be seen, to blend in, to fly under the radar. Sometimes I go too far and dress like a bag lady.

This evening was apparently one of those times.

And all I could think of looking at these girls, all caught up in fashion, obsessed with fitting current conventions, was "You know what? Clothes were meant to keep me warm. To protect me from the sun. I don't care about them. Without them I would still look good. Would you?"

And feeling good about thinking things that would shock them, I sat in silence.

Let them laugh, for they are silly and life will very likely chew them up and spit them out. I have much more practice wearing clothes (and being naked, come to think of it. I mean, it stands to reason...) and I know what I am talking about. Nyeah.

1 comment:

Petrunka said...

u're tha best