Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Mmmm, pancakes

I made pancakes today. They weren't half bad.

Now, for most people, pancakes aren't that big a deal. But I can't do wheat, and I can't do too many carbs (that whole ketogenic diet thing), so generally, pancakes are out.

But you see, I was seasoning a new cast iron skillet and needed to cook something on it. I thought about bacon and eggs, maybe some chicken or hamburger. But no, I needed something else. Something light, something sweet, something traditional, something to bless the pan and bring it luck.

Pancakes. Pancakes need fat to fry, are good cooked in a skillet, can test the non-stick properties of a properly seasoned or "cured" skillet, and are tasty. I don't need to possibly cook in any taste I don't want spread to other meals.

So, I ran out to the local health food store and paid outrageous prices for some soy flour, almond flour, a little quinoa (just cuz), and some stevia.

Then I went home, used the low carb pancake recipe from foodtv, and voila, I had pancakes.

Okay, I couldn't do maple syrup (but I bet I can make some with some stevia, maple extract, and guar gum) and soy isn't quite as yummy as wheat, but it was still good. Real good. I think the stevia really helped.

So, I had pancakes, made on my new cast iron skillet (really for my boyfriend to make tortillas...). So far it has been a good day.

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