Wednesday, July 05, 2006

It's been a while

It's been a while since I posted here. Some things have happened, but not much has changed. Since this past spring I have developed a heart disorder called premature ventricular contractions, or PVC (yes, like the plumbing supply) for short.

It is painful, distracting, and at its worst, life threatening. Mine seems to go away whenever I take massive doses of Magnesium, which makes sense because I get far too much calcium in my diet these days. An exact balance of calcium, magnesium, and potasium are required for proper heart health.

So that's not good. I ended up doing the network world conference. It was tough because I'd had some sort of killer virus that ate the entire month of March (yup. gobbled right up, while I remained in bed wondering if that's what it felt like to die). I barely finished prepping for the event before I got there.

Immediately after NWW, I had to write a chapter for a Server 2003 R2 book about sharepoint, which I knew somewhat, but wasn't an expert.

I am now.

I missed my deadline by two weeks because the chapter went from fifty pages to one hundred and seventy (without pictures). I was called about two weeks after turning it in by the primary author and told that the style was all wrong ("I could only read about twenty pages before I just couldn't take it anymore..."). At that point I was prepping (and late to do that also, due to the chapter deadline overrun) for a big conference in Boston, so I couldn't do anything about the chapter until I got back.

Well, I'm back, it's been weeks, and I have only one week left before I simply have ruined the Server 2003 R2 book because I missed the drop dead, must go to press deadline trying to rewrite my monster of a chapter.

And, I have to continue beta testing vista/longhorn/office 2007 because I have to present these things in November in las vegas.


Not to mention I still can't turn on my airconditioning because my ducts still need cleaned (hello, July in pgh), my car needs inspected and its registration renewed, my medical insurance is up for renewal, and I need to clean the house simply so I can have guests over before there is snow on the deck.

Life. Sigh.

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