Monday, August 28, 2006

Rememberance-- Katrina vs 9/11, I think our gov't is trying to tell us something

So, I have been watching TV, and getting newsletters from and other places.

A few weeks ago, I noticed that a movie about 9/11 has come out. It is supposed to be a moving, true story tale of some heroes who were trapped beneath one of the towers, but survived.

Meanwhile, on discovery, the health channel, and other cable networks, shows about Katrina are popping up.

I wasn't surprised about Katrina, it's been about a year, and the media needs to be sure we haven't forgotten. That makes sense, that's why christmas is celebrated yearly, lest we forget. Humans are silly like that.

But, 9/11? Why wait only five years or so and create a sappy movie about something that still freaks us all out? Something that obviously is no longer on our President's agenda, even though he threatens us with higher alert status every time we don't seem to like him. He's obviously more interested in iraqi freedom, than punishing those that wantonly attacked us.

So why was the movie allowed to go through? Why remind us of something tragic that encourages us to take a look at what started the war on terror that has caused us to be redirected to a war on iraq? Why make us angry?

Well, consider this: Midterm elections are coming out. Katrina memoriums were bound to surface. Katrina is a definite black mark on the current administration's record. Clear proof that the powers that we pay are incompetent. It repulses us.

But, 9/11? Well, despite proof that the prez dropped the ball, that it could possibly have been stopped, that we are currently *not* doing anything to avenge our dead, it still triggers a blind, "damn those towelheads" patriotism. The "oh my god, all those innocent people died" knee jerk reaction is a good way to distract american voters from the katrina news that will be floating around the media this week and next. Katrina is undeniable proof that our current government is being run by idiots, with 9/11, there's deniability.

It's kind of like covering the smell of rotten meat with the equally repelling smell of lysol disinfectant. Both stink, but the lysol is actually more nasty and lingers longer. And, it is associated with things that *should* be good for you.

If we wanted to do right by all those that lost their lives, or those suffering without their loved ones because of 9/11, then we should have spent more time crushing osama, and less time defending our oil fields, I mean, bringing democracy to the middle east.

It's just a thought. I mean, I'm just your average joe, so what would I know?

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